The updated Resource Hero Time Tracking interface is designed to help organizations that need more granular time tracking, especially those that need to record billable and non-billable hours. This new interface includes several features that will improve your experience and make time tracking more efficient.

Note: This feature is only available for Lightning Experience and is built using Lightning Web Components. As such, you must have My Domains enabled to use the Enhanced Time Tracking component. For details, view the Prerequisite – My Domain support post.
Multiple Time Entries per Assignment, per Day
Instead of tracking your time in one block for each assignment, per day, as you did with the legacy time tracking interface, you can now track multiple time entries per assignment, per day. This means you can record your time in smaller increments, providing a more detailed view of how you’re spending your time on each assignment.

Billable vs. Non-Billable Hours

Using the billable toggle, hours can be marked as either billable or non-billable. This allows you to accurately track your time and ensure that you get paid for your work.
Categorize Your Time
Categorize your tracked hours to help differentiate time tracked under a single assignment. You can choose from our predefined set of categories or create custom categories that suit your specific needs.
Add notes to your time entries so that you can remember where the time was spent and provide additional details to your clients for billable hours.
Adding the interface to your Lightning Pages
- From the Home tab or any record detail page, click the gear icon at the top right corner, select Edit Page to open the Lightning App Builder
- In the list of Lightning Components on the left, scroll down to the Custom – Managed section
- Drag the Resource Hero Time Tracking component onto the layout
- You can customize the component by using the available controls on the right side of the screen:
Name | Description | Available Values | Default |
Resource Forecast Field Set Name | Name of the Resource Forecast field set that controls which fields are displayed in the time tracking interface. | All Resource Forecast field sets | Time Tracking Standard Field Set |
Resource Assignment Field Set Name | Name of the Resource Assignment field set that controls which fields are displayed when viewing or editing Assignments through the interface. | All Resource Assignment field sets | Time Tracking Standard Field Set |
Show Archived Assignments | Should archived records be included in the list of assignments? When adding the Record Time Tracking component to Opportunity or other ‘related’ records, it is recommended to set this to true. When adding the component to the Resource page layout or the Home tab, this setting should be set to false. | true false | true |
Show Add New Assignments | Should be set to TRUE if you would like users to be able to create assignments using this component. | true false | true |
Prepend Related Record Name | Should the name of the related record be appended to the beginning of the row label? When adding the Record Time Tracking component to Opportunity or other ‘related’ records, it is recommended to set this to false. When adding the component to the Resource page layout or the Home tab, this setting should be set to true. | true false | false |
Assignment Row Label Field | The Resource Assignment field that should be used as the label for each assignment record. | All text-based Resource Assignment fields | Role |
Sort By Field | The Resource Assignment field that should be used to sort the list of assignments. | All Resource Assignment fields | Assigned To |
Sort By Order | The order that records should be sorted in. | ASC DESC | ASC |
Assignment Exclusion Field | The Resource Assignment field that should be used to filter which records display in the interface. Detailed information can be found on the Assignment Exclusion Fields support post. | All checkbox or checkbox-based formula Resource Assignment fields | None |
Primary Display Field Count | The number of fields that should be displayed on the primary display line. If your selected Resource Forecast field set contains 9 fields and you set this value to 5, the 5 primary fields will be displayed on the primary line, and the remaining 4 secondary fields will be displayed under the primary line, each taking up the full width of the component. | Positive integers | 5 |
Show More Toggle | When true, all secondary fields are hidden by default until the user clicks the Show More link. | true false | true |
Record Visibility?
The data that is displayed in the interface will depend on the above settings as well as where the component is being viewed.
Related Records
When viewing the Resource Hero Time Tracking interface from an Opportunity, Project, or other related record, you will only see Assignments related to that record, and only those for Resources that have been connected to the current logged in Salesforce user. This ensures that only assignments which are relevant to the current use are displayed.
When the interface is added to the Resource layout, all active assignments for the displayed Resource being viewed will be displayed. This makes it easy for Resource Managers to view assignments for the Resources they manage and assist in tracking time when needed.
User Profile
When the interface is added to the User Profile layout, all active assignments for the Resource connected to the currently viewed User Profile will be displayed.
Home Tab / Custom Lightning Pages
When the interface is added to the Home tab or another standalone Lighting Page, you will only see Assignments related to Resources that have been connected to the current logged in Salesforce user.
Time entries that have been created in the Resource Hero Time Tracking interface will not be editable in either the matrix or legacy time tracking interfaces. These hours will be viewable, but will be read-only.