Product Basics

What is resource management and why should I care?

When people feel inspired, motivated, and supported in their work, they do more work — and that work is significantly less stressful on their overall health and wellbeing.


Do you know how busy your team will be?

Resource management is how you plan, allocate, and optimize your people for projects. Resource planning is essential for project managers and service directors. With good management, you safeguard the delivery of service and ensure your team has a balanced workload.

Resource management software involves features that find the best-suited people to the right projects at the right time. Beyond supporting current projects, resource management apps need to provide insight that helps managers be more efficient in the future.

Woman looking at laptop as she grapples with resource management

Problems we face without resource management

Any department with people working on multiple projects will find itself struggling with the following pain points.

Unbalanced Workload

Assign resources to multiple projects or Salesforce objects. Resources can be anything like people, equipment, or credits.

Gut-feeling decisions

Making staffing decisions based on hunches, and gut feeling without quantitative data.

Poor work forecasting

Unable to confidently say how busy their team and service pipeline will be weeks and months into the future.

Time-consuming reports

Spending too much time cobbling together data from separate tools and spreadsheets.

Inadequate refinement

Not properly equipped to use past data to improve the accuracy of future work and service efficiency.

No solution fits

Finding other resource planning solutions too expensive, overblown, or inflexible for their needs.

Successful projects come from successful teamwork

Balancing productivity, profits, and customer satisfaction happens when teams work together. This is why Resource Hero gives your sales, service, and delivery teams the features they need to manage expectations and keep the work moving.

Man in meeting presenting resource management solutions to his team in front of whiteboard

Project Managers & Service Leaders

  • Optimize and manage your resource pool
  • Account for utilization when planning work
  • Compare forecast vs. tracked time
  • See company-wide resource utilization

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Service Delivery & Production Teams

  • See your projects with allocated hours
  • Track time easy and conveniently
  • Know where you stand in your work
  • Keep your vacation in mind when allocating

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Account Managers & Service Sales

  • Plan timelines with workload in mind
  • Get the team to optimal utilization
  • Manipulate and optimize your project
  • View real-time project health stats

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Executive Leadership & C-Suite

  • Get insights that guide your business
  • Run reports on revenue pipelines
  • See utilization and profit
  • Uncover more by slicing the data

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The core features of Resource Hero

Resource Hero works on top of Salesforce, the world’s #1 CRM system. Our app gives service and production managers a way to easily track projects and people’s workload. On top of that, the people who are performing the work can quickly track their time. Putting all this data together gives managers access to invaluable insights, allowing them to make informed and confident business decisions.

What Resource Hero does in a nutshell: 1. Create and manage resources 2. Assign and forecast people to work 3. Track time on projects 4. Get essential project health info. 5. Make data driven decisions.
Forecast Workload

Assign resources to projects, forecast their work hours, and create the best project scenario.

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Track Time

Build accountability across the team by giving them the tools to track time in ways and places that make sense.

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Get Insights

Course-correct faster and gain organization-wide insights with essential project reports, charts, and dashboards.

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Manage Resources

Create and manage resources representing people, roles, equipment, or anything else that the service needs.

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Adapt our interface around existing processes and extend functionality with native Salesforce capabilities.

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Join forces and combine with other apps and objects inside and outside the Salesforce 360 ecosystem.

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