Customize which columns display in the matrix

By default, Resource Hero displays three ‘row header’ columns:  Assigned To, Resource and Role. This post explains how to customize which columns display in the matrix.

Create / Edit a RHA Matrix Fields custom setting

  1. From setup, enter Custom Settings in the Quick Find box, then click the link for Custom Settings.
  2. Click Manage next to the RHA Matrix Fields custom setting.
  3. If you need to make changes to a field that is already being displayed, click the Edit link next to the field name.
  4. If you wish to add a new field, click the New button.
  5. Enter information as follows:

NameDescriptionValid Values
NameThe field API name of the Resource Assignment field that you are adding.
AlignmentControls the horizontal alignment of text in the column.left
Display On DashboardDetermines whether the field should be shown on the Resource Hero Dashboard tab.true
Display On Single Object MatrixDetermines whether the field should be shown on a matrix when displayed as an inline Visualforce object on a record detail page.true
Display On Standalone User MatrixDetermines whether the field should be shown on a stand-alone matrix when displayed on the Home tab, lightning apps, and experience cloud sites.true
Display OrderUsed to determine the order in which the column will be displayed in the matrix.Any integer greater than or equal to 1.  Note:  Display order values do not need to be sequential.  In other words, ordering your columns with 1, 2 ,3 is the same as ordering them as 5, 10, 15.
Field WidthThe default wide of the column in pixels (px).Any integer greater than or equal to 1. Common values are between 100 and 150.
Include in queryThis should be true for all entries except for the following Resource Assignment fields:
– Assigned To
– Name
– Resource
– ResourceHeroApp__Rate__c
Restrict To These Objects OnlyWhen left blank (default), the field will be displayed on all matrices related to all objects.
In some cases, however,  you might want to show a column only if you are looking at a specific object.
For example, say you have a formula field on the Resource Assignment object which displays Opportunity probability.
The field would be blank for all assignments related to objects other than Opportunity.  By entering Opportunity in the Restrict To These Objects Only field, the Opportunity probability field will not display when looking at a matrix on others objects that you have configured to work with Resource Hero (Case, Account, etc.).
Valid Values: Comma-separated list of Object API names.


The following entry would add the Archive column to the Resource Hero Dashboard for both the Opportunity and Project custom object:

As you can see, the Archive field is now displayed on the Opportunity matrix:

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